Monday, April 26, 2010

The unusual John "Hole in the Wall" Huppenthal

After delivering the following speech at the Arizona Democratic Party State Committee Meeting on Saturday, April 24th in Tucson, I’ve had several requests to post it online. So as not to disappoint, I've posted the text of my address below.  To learn more about my campaign, please visit

Text of Speech:

With your help in winning the primary, I’ll likely be running this fall against an unusual opponent: John Huppenthal. What’s unusual is that he is best known for wrestling away a campaign sign from a 78-year-old woman, and, more recently, for taking a drill to Saguaro High School and drilling holes in a wall to hang a massive campaign banner.

So, in honor of my odd opponent, I brought along this (holds up power drill), and I’d like you to join me in honoring John “Hole in the Wall” Huppenthal with a poem that I’ve put together. It goes like this:

Johnny has a big old drill,
whose bite is quite severe
For everywhere that Johnny goes,
holes do appear

I ask you to remember that last part because in every stanza it’s going to end with that, and you all did so well at our last meeting that I need you help join me with that. So, can we all say that together.

For everywhere that Johnny goes, holes do appear. For everywhere that Johnny goes, holes do appear.  Now I know you can do that with more gusto as we get going here. It says:

Johnny wants no kindergarten
He would make it disappear
For everywhere that Johnny goes,
holes do appear

If tests are too hard to pass,
then standards he will sheer
For everywhere that Johnny goes,
holes do appear

Johnny thinks our schools are fine
Although, his logic isn’t clear
For everywhere that Johnny goes,
holes do appear

Johnny has a big old drill
Don’t let our kids come near
For everywhere that Johnny goes,
holes do appear

Yes, you know, sadly, everywhere John goes, holes appear – holes in budgets, holes in standards and holes in logic. I say we have enough holes. We need to fix our schools. They’re broken but John “Hole in the Wall” Huppenthal seems to be unable to find the holes we need to fix.

You know, there are people who say that Johnny lacks any educational background or experience. Well, that’s not exactly true. You see, Johnny led the team that created the system we have right now, the system that took us from above the national average to dead last in the country. So I say that it’s not that we need more drill, baby, drill. We need more learn, baby, learn.

I’m Jason Williams, and with your help and support, I want to become Arizona’s next Superintendent of Public Instruction. Because as I shared earlier, public education is near and dear to us as Democrats. I’m proud to say that we’re from the party that started our public education system in the United States and it’s time for us to come together and support our children. So I ask for your vote on August 24th and November 2nd. Since I see Don behind me I’m going to finish by also asking you, since I saw the applause for Clean Elections, to please help me because Johnny qualified two months ago, and we need to finish up qualifying. So if you haven’t given a $5 please give a $5 today, and if you want to be a high performing student, please collect additional $5s for us. Our team will be coming around. Thank you so much everyone again.
Click here to download a $5 Clean Elections Qualifying Contribution Form or visit our website at  Return it with your $5 check or cash to: Committee to Elect Jason Williams 2010, P.O. Box 33395, Phoenix, AZ 85067.

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