- 65% of children in Arizona are not proficient in math by the 4th grade
- 71% of children in Arizona cannot read at grade level by the 4th grade
- 1/3 of our kids are dropping out of school every year, giving Arizona the 2nd highest dropout rate in the nation.
You can help make public education Arizona’s top priority. Please consider giving a $5 clean elections qualifying contribution to my campaign today.
As you may have heard recently, I’ve started to take the fight directly to conservative voters and to my likely Republican opponent, should I have the privilege of being the Democratic nominee once again, because I believe we need to challenge them on their turf if things are going to change. I stepped into the “lion’s den” last week when I attended the Scottsdale Tea Party meeting, where I challenged those in attendance on the misinformation they’ve been fed from Republican politicians.
That’s what we’ve got to do if we are not only going to change the conversation, but change the direction in which our state is headed. It’s critical we build a broad, diverse coalition so we can support our kids by ensuring every child in Arizona has access to a quality public education.
Let’s do this together for our children. Please give $5 today so we can change direction and move Arizona forward by moving ALL our children forward!
Thank you for supporting my campaign. Your clean elections qualifying contribution helps me reach voters across the state to confront the misinformation they’ve been hearing so we can put our kids first once again.
Please give $5 today and help us take our message to the people. Visit my website at http://www.williamsforarizona.com to download and return the clean elections qualifying contribution form with your $5 to the address at the bottom of the form.